“Bengali Language is our Existence,
English Language is our Survival.”
It has been nearly two decades since we started this institution in 1995 with all hopes and dreams of being of some service to the children of our society. It was wonderful to have the opportunity to associate with small children who are so innocent and trusting. Although I had worked in a high school for nearly thirty years but I never had the opportunity to work with small children. It was like a new world coming alive.
In these eighteen years we went through pain and pleasure of seeing the children grow up, some with failures and most of them with achievements. We all struggled to pull and upgrade many of the children who were weak or lagging behind in some aspects.
It was gratifying when we saw the children blossom out in every sphere, right from debating, quizzing, sports and painting and to all sorts of extra curricular activities. And of course there was the academic side where they excelled.
Nothing is so gratifying than to experience the transfer of knowledge to a child. It’s like a thesis being completed. School is a place where we shape the destiny of the innocent human beings and we have to be extra careful as we will be answerable to ALLAH Ta’la for any misdemeanor we may cause in the process of bringing up HIS best of creations.
My message and goal is to build up the children to face the world with confidence and integrity as the ALMIGHTY has given us the responsibility to shape the destiny of the best of His creations.
“If you aim at the stars,
You aim too low.”
This is what we want the children to believe that if they aim higher than the stars, certainly they will reach the stars one day.
I sincerely thank all the teachers of the institution who have worked equally hard for the betterment of the students. They left no stone unturned when it came to improving the standard of any student. They also put in their best effort in grooming the students in every aspect.
I must extend my sincere thanks to our Parents and Guardians who have been supportive in the development of the school. Without their undaunted co-operation we would not have been able to reach the place where we are in now.
With best wishes to all.
Nadera Banu Begum
Bangladesh Elementary School
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Principal Message
Bangladesh Elementary School