The Journey endeavors to ensure quality education which will add some value to the total percentage of education of the country.
LIBRARY: This School has a library enriched with books, magazines and journals in addition to the supplementary books on various subjects. Our library has the collection of a host of new books on literature, grammar, history, adventure, science & technology, religion etc. To encourage and enhance the habit of reading students are also given reading and book review assignments during vacations.
LABORATORY FACILITIES: A well-equipped laboratory each for Physics, Chemistry, Biology and ICT has been established here. The institution has a large ICT Lab where 50 students with laptop and PC can work at a time.
CANTEEN: The institution is running a canteen to make available commodities including food, beverage and outfit items at a very reasonable price. The canteen department is being operated by the school with strict supervision on hygiene and good conduct with the students.
STIMULATING PART: Beside the Playground, there’s recreational setup for the students, such as swing, slipper, physiological center etc.
Help DESK: All kinds of information of academic administrative wing are provided from the help desk to enhance the best cooperation with the students and guardians. Front Desk Contact No- 02333360797, 031610797, 01819311422
WEBSITE SERVICE: Guardian can also pick out any kind of information from our website. Our website address is: Our Website serves to publish result, absent notification, sending SMS etc.
GUARDIAN SHED: There is a guardian shed in this institution. Guardian can wait there if needed.
CO-CURRICULAR/CLUB ACTIVITIES: Besides educational curriculum, students are offered extracurricular activities such as sports, debate, 3rd language etc. These activities are intended to benefit children and give them an all rounded school experience. The effects of the activities can be found in academic achievement, health, self-esteem and behavior. The students of this institution are encouraged not only to be good students but also to be good citizens. To make so, we include wide spectrum of cultural, sports and other creative activities in our regular routine. We run club activities through as Debate club, Language Club, Math Club, Science club, Sports club, Cultural Club, ICT club etc.
AUTOMATION SYSTEM: The automation software packages include:
a. Students Information & Collection System (SICS)
b. Result Management System (RMS)
c. Absent Notification System (ANS)
d. Short Message System (SMS)
e. Class Routine Management System (CRMS)
f. Dynamic Website (DW)
g. Parents’ Portal (PP)
h. Student’s Portal (SP)
EXTRA FACILITIES OF CAMPUS: Exceptional facilities of BES are as follows:
(1) Prayer Room
(2) Perfect Classroom
(3) Playground
(4) Shotota Store
(5) Multimedia Classroom
(6) Digital Attendance of Teachers
(7) Sheikh Rasel Corner
(8) Bongobondhu Corner
(9) Muktizuddho Corner
(10) Canteen Service
(11) Digital Attendance of Students
(12) Digital Attendance of Staffs
(13) Transport Facilities
(14) Wi-Fi Zone
(15) Tuck Shop
(16) Large Computer Lab for students